With the recent story about the 500 year old kauri in line for the chop, the following tweet has gained a lot of interest. Everyone knows more than 350 mature kauri will be felled or topped to make way for the Puhoi Warkworth toll road, eh? — Better Transport NZ […]
The following letter from the Campaign for Better Transport appeared in the NZ Herald today: Like many, I suspect, correspondent Nick Cottle believes that economic benefits will flow from the NZ Transport Agency’s proposed toll road from Puhoi to the north of Warkworth. In reality, NZTA have not provided any […]
NZTA report cites delays at Warkworth to increase significantly after toll road completes The Campaign for Better Transport today labelled the proposed Warkworth toll road as “fundamentally flawed”. The organisation today took its concerns to the Board of Inquiry set up to look at the environmental impacts of the $750m […]
Today the Campaign for Better Transport presents their submission to the Board of Inquiry. The full presentation is here. Our areas of contention are: Whether projected traffic volumes for the Project route and existing SH1 are realistic Whether a supporting economic analysis consistent with the NZTA’s Economic Evaluation Manual should […]
This is the submission of the Campaign for Better Transport on Ara Tuhono: Puhoi to Warkworth project to the Environmental Protection Agency. A pdf version of the submission is here . Introduction The Campaign for Better Transport (CBT) is a non-politically aligned group that advocates for sustainable transport policies and projects throughout […]
Central Government referred the Puhoi to Warkworth “Holiday Highway” to a fast tracked Board of Inquiry process, as reported in the Herald. Accordingly submissions on the proposed toll road ( which won’t actually be any faster for Warkworth residents) close next Friday 13th December. If you would like to make […]